Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Rising to the Occasion

“If you don’t rise to the occasion, the best part of you will die.”  ~ Lily Yeh

It’s been one year since an occasion was presented to me. At the time, I only saw it for what it was in the moment – heartache, pain, and the abrupt end of a season in life. But 365 days later, I can see the bigger picture and understand that it was truly a remarkable occasion in my life...

…an occasion to discover who I am in the most authentic ways.
…an occasion to try new things, meet new people, and explore new places.
…an occasion to look the unknown future head on and say “I’m not afraid” (or depending on the day “I’m absolutely petrified but I know I’ll be okay”).
…an occasion to learn and grow, both as an individual and in community.

What would have happened if I hadn’t risen to the occasion? What opportunities would I have missed? And worse yet, what part of me would have been lost?

I definitely don’t have it all figured out, and I’m still growing, but I feel confident today that I have risen to the occasion and the opportunities that were presented. I think one of the scariest things is that the occasion – whatever it may be for you – likely isn’t an easy one. The best parts of us aren’t forged in the easy times, right? Rather, it’s in the adversity, in the lowest points of life, that our character is tested and refined and that allows the best part of us to not only survive, but thrive.

1 comment:

  1. I just read your latest post Cait, and your final sentence made me think of Casting Crown's latest title song, "Thrive." -

    You're right! The refining process, going through the fire is not an enjoyable process, but when pulled from the flame we are lacking impurities, and we have been made stronger. You are not required to exercise your strength until you find yourself in a situation when you need to use it.

    Exercise is often times not a fun experience because it results in your body being sore, tired and achy, but if you do it often enough your body responds in a positive way; it gains strength and endurance, not to mention you learn to persevere through the pain and the uncomfortable feelings. Life is filled with challenging moments as well as moments of great joy and celebration. We grow and adapt, and dare I say evolve, over the course of our lives,and by God's grace being made to look, think, act and speak more like Christ. There are a series of blessings in disguise. I have no doubt that you will rise to the occasion and overcome whatever has decided to block your path Cait.
