Monday, August 4, 2014


I can’t believe it’s been so long since I’ve sat down to write like this – there is so much to fill you in on! The “quick and dirty” version: got a job in my career field, have been super busy transitioning to my new job and absolutely loving it, and now I’m prepping to move into the city. But all that’s for another post, as my mind is elsewhere today.

I had the privilege of spending this past weekend with my family and celebrating the 75th anniversary of the church in which I grew up. I’ll be honest: I was a little hesitant to go to the celebration and wasn’t sure if I really wanted to be there for it. Without getting into the nitty-gritty, there’s just been a lot that’s gone down in the last 5 to 8 years, and it just seemed easier to not go. In the end, it was one of the best decisions I’ve made in recent months.

As I sat in church yesterday morning, singing along to “How Great is Our God,” I was so overwhelmed by the faithfulness of God. This month marks 7 years since a critical turning point for so many of us who had grown up in that church, and at that time, I was convinced that things would never be okay again. I struggled for a long time trusting anyone in any church, and I was so disillusioned by the body of Christ as a whole that I really wasn’t interested in participating in any church body. And yet, as we sang together yesterday morning, and I looked around and saw so many people who hadn’t been back to the church in years, I was reminded of how God brings healing, reconciliation, and restoration in his perfect timing and in his way. Seven years ago, if you told me that so many of us would be gathered together, and relationships would be restored, I would not have believed you – it just didn’t seem at all possible. But I’ve seen how God has worked through me and through others, softening hearts and turning us back to one another, and it’s just the most beautiful thing.

All that rambling to say…God is faithful. Plain and simple. And I feel so blessed to have shared this weekend with some old friends – life feels as if it makes sense again, and it’s been a while since I have felt this centered. This weekend was just a wonderful reminder that God has some sort of crazy plan, and no matter what comes next, he is faithful!